Maithili album - Dukh Hariyo Humar Bhole Dani - Amod Jha

maithili bhakti songs collection, this time i come with Dukh hariyo bholedani maithili album songs, there are sever maithili sweet songs in this maithili album, i think you like the songs of this maithili album

List of songs of  Dukh Hariyo Humar Bhole Dani - Amod Jha
Panch badan har bhasam ramai
Bhole hamar dhuk kiya nai hare chhi
Shiv chalala biyahan
Bar re jatan se hum
Anaha kailash par baisal
Darshan khatir alhu baba
Shanbhu ke Alakh jagau
Direct download all songs for CLICK HERE
tags - Maithili songs , maithili geet, amod  jha maithili bhajan, maithili album

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